If you are on a server with WHM/cPanel, you may notice that they don't include sodium in the list of available PHP modules for PHP 7.2 and 7.3, then this [...]
Subject: Subscription event notification: The subscription term is about to expire.
The term of subscription 'domain1.com', owned by user
DomainOne [...]
I ran into an issue with cPanel in WHM 62 using the Paper Lantern theme, the "File Manager" option in cpanel would load, but it wouldn't show any files, only [...]
I ran into an issue with Cpanel in WHM 62 using the Paper Lantern theme, the "FTP Accounts" option in cpanel would load, but it wouldn't show any of the [...]
In order to test to see if a remote server was blocking the main IP of a server, I had to try to make a manual connection from the secondary IP. It wasn't [...]
Trying to give a user permissions for a database within cpanel and getting the error:
(XID xxxxxx) Database Error: There is no such grant defined for user [...]
Trying to add a user to a database within cpanel but getting errors:
There was a problem adding the user: (XID xxxxxx) Database Error: Can't find any [...]