Notice: Constant automattic\jetpack\extensions\social_previews\FEATURE_NAME already defined in /home/agorzen/public_html/kb/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/extensions/blocks/social-previews/social-previews.php on line 14

Deprecated: Hook custom_css_loaded is deprecated since version jetpack-13.5! Use WordPress Custom CSS instead. Jetpack no longer supports Custom CSS. Read the documentation to learn how to apply custom styles to your site: in /home/agorzen/public_html/kb/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6114
apache – Zeusandhera Knowledgebase


Sorry, the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not appear to use DNS servers associated with this server.

There was an error when the system attempted to create the alias. Park::park( failed: (XID aasxt3) Sorry, the domain is already pointed to [...]

Change The Document Root Location of a Domain on Cpanel

By default a cpanel account will have it's domain point to /home/username/public_html but if you want to change it to point to a separate folder, you would [...]

Yoast_Google_WPCache not found

Fatal error: Class 'Yoast_Google_WPCache' not found in [...]